Here are the details about Teofilo Kisanji University Tanzania, Courses and Programmes offered at this university in Tanzania, Hostel and Accommodation facilities at Teofilo Kisanji University, admission requirements and all you need to know about this university college in Tanzania.
Historical Background of Teofilo Kisanji University
Historical Event at Teofilo Kisanji University
The activities of Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU) former (MOTHECO), can be traced as far back as the 1960s when the Moravian Church in Tanzania (MTC) sought to establish the Theological institution with a view of training pastors in Chunya, District Mbeya Region.
The college offered a general certificate in theology.
Late in the 70s, the theological college (MOTHECO) was shifted to Mbeya town where the condition was very conducive for learning and services readily available.
The college was built on a 35 acre plot where new buildings were erected by the help of Moravian donors from abroad.
In the early 1990s, an idea dawned among the leaders of the Church to start offering a Bachelor of Divinity (BD) at MOTHECO instead of the General Certificate.
The BD programme was launched in 1996. However, it was resolved that the BD course should go concomitantly with the General certificate course in Theology with a view that in the near future, the General Certificate course would be transformed into a diploma course, a plan yet to be effected.
Review of past activities at Teofilo Kisanji University
This section presents an overview of activities concerning the progress of MOTHECO-TEKU for the past 37 years in summary:
The institution aimed at equipping students with theological and pastoral knowledge and skills respectively that would enable them to be good church leaders in the fulfillment of Christ's great commission in the context of a pluralistic society in Tanzania.
The major emphasis, however, was to train students to serve as good pastors in the churches they came from.
Throughout its existence, MOTHECO now TEKU has always been an interdenominational institute.
A good number of Lutheran pastors from the adjacent up to distant places like Dar-es-salaam and Morogoro have been trained at this institution.
A number of high ranked leaders in the Moravian church today passed through this institution. In 2006/07 academic year TEKU introduced the Faculty of Education.
To strengthen the Faculty of Education aims at preparing committed teachers, who will continuously search for the truth, guide and teach students in a harmonious way with the interests of the student at the centre (Student-centered) of their service.
By so doing, the faculty believes that teachers will mould students into truly liberated persons who can act decisively and responsibly in their society as good citizens and creative patriots.
In 2006/07 academic year a programme of Bachelor of Educationlanguages( English, Kiswahili and French) was introduced.
In 2007/08 academic year two more courses were introduced which are the BA with Education ( Geography, History, Language and Mathematics) and Bachelor of Education ( Mathematics).
Besides the above mentioned intentions and achievements of the institution, there have been several impediments in the well running of the institution ever since its initiation;
Inadequate teaching-learning facilities, Inadequate locally generated finances (the institution was run on almost 100% contributions from the sister churches from abroad except in 2006/07 academic year when about 99% students in the Faculty of Education paid fees after obtaining loans from HESLB about 99.
This is a limitation in that if the areas for students to be provided with loans change the institution might suffer a sudden drop of income.
Inadequate basic income generating projects. Inadequate academic and skilled staff.
Inadequate Physical faculties for the growing teacher/students population
Health Services at Teofilo Kisanji University
The institution seeks to provide health care services for TEKU and the entire community through an integrated healthcare system including preventive, promotive and curative services.
At present, most of the health services are carried out at the universityFirst Aid Clinic, which is under the see of Dr. Kanama of K?s Hospital.
The University intends to expand it into a clinic that would include more complex medical services like Maternal Child Health (MCH) , Family Planning, a medical store or Pharmacy, a well equipped Laboratory and standard observation rooms for male and female separately.
The unit is intended to be under direct supervision and monitoring of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
This will be in line with the requirements of that Ministry and government regulations.
However, the unit has also been faced with several problems such as Inadequate supply of drugs and equipment Limited health services Lack of motivation to workers due to limited community members.
Religious Activities at Teofilo Kisanji University
The Faculty of Theology is limited to build the Kingdom of God within and outside the university through a balanced and integrated model of pastoral ministry that includes proclaiming the everlasting gospel but taking into consideration that /Tanzania is a pluralistic country.
And in spite of the many religious existing in the country, they all work on patriotic love and hence help enhance peace in the country thereby rating Tanzania as one of the most peaceful nations in the world.
So the university intends to perpetuate such a spirit even among students of other faculties like education and many others that will launched in the near future.
In any case, every student will be free to follow one?s religion although good conduct and discipline will be emphasized on the base of the Tanzanian ethical norms.
The Chaplain offers spiritual services to any student willing regardless of one?s religious background. Such services include visitation to a student in times of trouble and sorrows like bereavement etc.
It should be maintained that all this will be done not with any hidden intention of indirect persuasion for such victims to convent to Christianity (for those who are not initially Christians) or turn non Moravian Christians to be Moravian adherents.
The aspects of religious activities include:- Nurturing ? building the Kingdom of God through the process of being fed spiritually, physically, mentally and socially to grow into good Christians and fit to be good citizens of this world and the world to come.
Fellowship- building close social relationships through sharing joys and sorrows together and supporting each other during times of need.
This helps to revitalize and maintain the spirit of purity, caring, unity, peace and love not only as church members but also human beings.
Mission- the process of building the Kingdom of God through proclaiming the good news of God?s love in word and need to needy people around us and beyond.
Auxiliary Enterprises at Teofilo Kisanji University
TEKU intends to incorporate various auxiliary enterprises- Income-generating Activities (IGA) as an internal resource mobilizing strategy for sustaining various financial activities on the campus.
Currently, the IGA activities include:-
2.Renting of Buildings
3.Cafeteria Services
4.Internet caf?
5.Consultancy work
6.School fees Several achievements are expected to be realized from the IGA which include the following:-
Generation of Income at Teofilo Kisanji University
Provision of communication through internet/email facilities To make food available to TEKU community members and outsider from the cafeteria.
This give freedom to students to choose what they would like to eat instead of the institutes-imposed menu Besides the envisaged advantages in the IGA, the following constraints seem to hamper the implementations of the projects. Among them are:-
1.Inadequate technology to facilitate work at various IGAs
2.Inadequate and unqualified personnel
ADMISSION PROCEDURES at Teofilo Kisanji University
Admission of students to a degree program at TEKU is based on meeting requirements for admission as determined by the Senate and Executive Committee.
At present, TEKU has an open admission policy, which extends the admission privilege to any student who wishes to obtain quality education and express willingness to co-operate with the college policies.
Upon receipt of an official application, aspiring students are furnished with application forms together with information on finances, admission requirements and major courses offered among others.
To facilitate the registration process, a non-refundable application fee is charged.
Tanzania students are required to submit cash payment of Tshs. 20,000 while foreign students submit USD 30.
LIST OF PROGRAMS at Teofilo Kisanji University
Undergraduate programs at Teofilo Kisanji University
12 Bachelor of Business Administration( Finance, Accounting, Management and Material Management.
13 Bachelor of Law
14 Bachelor of Human Resource Mangement and Public Relations
15 Bsc of Computer Science and Management studies
16 Bsc in Enviromental Studies
17 BA in Early Childhood Education
18 Diploma in Theology (DT)
19 Diploma in Sales and Marketing (DSM)
20 Diploma in Human Resources Management (DHRM)
21 Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE)
22 Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management (DIRM)
23 Diploma in Law (DL)
24 Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality (DTH)
25 Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)
26 Certificate in Theology (CTH)
Postgraduate programs at Teofilo Kisanji University
SN Program name
1 Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
2 Master in Theology (M.Th)
3 Master of Arts in Eduation (MAED)
4 Master in Business Administration (MBA)
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS at Teofilo Kisanji University
The entrance requirements discussed are specific to academic qualifications and adopts an integrated British, American system of Education where students gain University admission on completion of Advanced Level (A-Level) and Secondary education (form four).
According to the recommendations of the University Senate, there are four distinct categories for Admission to degree and certificate courses.
a) Category A (Direct Entry); are Students who join after A-Level in this category, the students must have at least two principle passes in all combinations and must obtain not less than 45points.
b) Category B (Equivalent qualification); extends admission to ordinary diploma holders with an average of B grade and must be approved by the Senate.
c) Category C (foundation); Extends admission to students who are enrolled and have successfully completed their foundation programme at TEKU of Mbeya with an average of B, are eligible for admission into first year degree programme at the University.
d) Category D (mature Age Entry Qualification)
is designed for those who fall bellow the requirement of the direct entry requirements.
Such students are considered through mature age entrance examination set in two different groups of applicants.
i) The first group is for students with form VI certificates but who do not qualify for direct entry.
Admission will be extended to such applicant who get 50% in mature age examination and shall be eligible for admission into first year degree programme.
ii) The second group is for students with form IV certificates with at least three credits and must be at least 25 years of age.
Admission will be extended to such applicants who get 50% in mature age examination and shall be eligible for admission into Foundation Programme at the University.
Instructions to Applicants seeking Admission to Undergraduate Degree Programmes.
Applicants are required to read these instructions carefully before filling in the application forms. Incorrectly filled application forms shall not be processed.
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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