Here are the details about Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies in Tanzania, courses and programmes offered at Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies, hostels and accommodation at this college and all you need to know about this university in Tanzania.
Welcome to Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS). MUCCoBS is an institution with a unique history and specialization.
It is the only university in Sub Saharan region that offers co-operative and business education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Other universities offertraining in businessstudies alone.
MUCCoBS is the oldest training institution in Tanzania, accumulating experience of 43 years, in the fields of co-operative accounting, co-operative management and rural development.
During this period, the College has turned out co-operative and other experts in accounting, management, marketing, auditing and cooperative development employed in different institutions within and outside Tanzania.
It grew from a College enrolling only 150 students, conducting tailored courses to a University College with a capacity of 1500 students.
MUCCoBS came into being as a result of upgrading the former Cooperative College into a Constituent College of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in May 2004.
Consequently, the name changed to Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies.
Teaching and learning are the core activities for the University College.
There is no greater obligation for this University College than providing the best possible education for our students, developing their intellect, equiping them with the appropriate knowledge and skills and prepare them for a lifetime of learning so that they should become what they want and what the society needs.
MUCCoBS aims to be Tanzania’s most progressive university college, locally and internationally; recognized for the relevance, innovation and responsiveness of its teaching and learning, research, partnerships and international activities.
The University College has embarked upon a path of transformation.
It is committed to the promotion of equity, access, equal opportunities, redress, transformation and diversity, as well as active and constructive involvement in community development and service.
Academic Programs Offered at Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
MUCCoBS offers different programmes ranging from certificates to postgraduate levels.
Most of the undergraduate programmes have corresponding programmes at the postgraduate level.
The University conducts programmes through full time, evening and distance learning.
Currently, the university College has two faculties, one directorate and the institute with the following programmes:
Certificate Programmes at Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
This is a One academic year (two semesters) Programmes:
1. Certificate in Management and Accounting (CMA)
2. Certificate in Accounting and Finance (CAF)
3. Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
4. Certificate in Microfinance Management (CMF)
5. Certificate in Enterprise Development (CED)
6. Certificate in Library Information Sciences (CLIS)
7. Foundation Certificate in Savings and Credit Cooperative Management (FC-SACCOS)
8. Professional Certificate in Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies Management (PC-SACCOS)
9. Astashahada ya Misingi ya Uchumi na Ushirika (AMU)
Diploma Programmes Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
This is a two academic years programme (four semesters).
1. Diploma in Co-operative Management and Accounting (DCMA)
2. Diploma in Business Information and Communication Technology (DBICT)
3. Diploma in Enterprise Management (DEMA)
4. Diploma in Library and Archival Studies (DLAS)
5. Diploma in Microfinance Management (DMFM)
Undergraduate Degree Programmes Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
These are three academic years (six semesters) Programmes:
1. Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance (BA-AF)
2. Bachelor of Arts in Co-operative Management and Accounting (BA-CMA)
3. Bachelor of Arts in Community Economic Development (BA-CED)
4. Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics (BA-BEC)
5. Bachelor of Arts in Procurement and Supply Management (BA-PSM)
6. Bachelor of Arts in Microfinace ad Enterprise Development (BA-MFED)
7. Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (BA-ME)8. Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management (BA-HRM)
9. Bachelor of Science in Business Information and Communication Technology (BSc-BICT)
10. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
Post-graduate Programmes Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
These are one academic year (two semesters) Postgraduate Diploma Programmes:
1. Postgraduate Diploma in Co-operative Business Management (PGD-CBM)
2. Postgraduate Diploma in Community Development (PGD-CD)
3. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance (PGD-AF)
4. Postgraduate Diploma in Saving and Credit Co-operative Societies Management (PGD-SACCOS)
5. Master of Arts in Cooperative and Community Development (MA-CCD)
6. Master of Arts in Procurement and Supply Management (MA-PSM)
7. Master of Business Management (MBM)
8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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